Jul 30Liked by John T. Cullen

Interesting intriguing

history. I visited Blenheim Palace and walked the hallways,

amazing library, chambers and chapel one afternoon. An exciting canvas for a twenty year old !

Carry on old boy!!

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I say there... carry on! (stiff upper lip) (ha ha) thank you JTC

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Are you really English? I’m second generation English but I still carry on lots of their traditions!

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Hi, Elaine... no... sorry... not English... born a U.S. citizen in a U.S. Army hospital in Nuernberg, West Germany after WW2 (army brat)...spent my childhood in Europe where my father served in the US army until his retirement 1960. My first language at about 2 or 3 years old was actually Luxemburgisch (Luxembourgeois), followed by German, French, and then English (age 10 when my father retired and we moved to his home of origin in New Haven, Connecticut). I have since acquired a second citizenship (Luxembourg) and therefore European Union (EU). And where in the UK are your ancestors from, Elaine?


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They are from Leeds, in Yorkshire county.

My grandfather was a choir boy in the huge cathedral there ! Coal miner, until the three of them moved to Canada. Many cousins still there of course. I went to see their home and sat in the choir stall and it made me cry. My grandfather was my idol. He was such a gentle man. Loved history and teaching it to me.

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Thanks for your history John. Very exciting life you’ve had.

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You also, my dear. Now you only need to take singing lessons so you can be in the choir and hit those high notes. I'm a basso profundo, myself (high school glee club). You are probably an alto or, more correctly, "alta" or even "altissima."

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